Monday, April 21, 2008

Honor What You Attract To You!

Law of Attraction, Honor What You Attract To You!

Remember that the Law of Attraction works regardless of whether or not you know about it, and it works both in the positive and negative. A challenge for you is to appreciate what you have drawn to you, even if you perceive it to be negative. Have you ever resisted something only to find out that in the long run it was in your best interests?

Affirm that everything comes into your life for a reason. You may not like what you have attracted, but you can learn from it, clean up your vibration, and expect to attract something better in the future! If you encounter rudeness then thank the person for showing you what you are attracting. If something has left your life, thank it for the gifts it brought and affirm that something better is coming.

Honor What You Attract To You…

Everything and everybody that appears in our life comes through attraction. The random person behind you in line at the store is there through attraction. The person sitting next to you at the stoplight is there through attraction. The neighbors you see on your walk are there through attraction. If you are expecting to go to the grocery store and experience crowds and irritation, then you will attract people who are irritable. You may end up at the store during a rush of people. When you send out a vibration and expectation of a certain outcome, then you will attract to you people who will help bring your expectation to reality. The Law of Attraction is always, always working! Thank it for being a mirror for you to see what kind of physical reality you are creating.

Knowing this, it is useful to pay attention to what you are attracting to you. You brought it into your life, so observe what is showing up and relate that to your thoughts and feelings. Honor the people that show up in your life. Sending more negativity their way or judging them will only keep similar people and experiences coming towards you. Instead, if you acknowledge that you were brought together through mutual attraction, you can remain emotionally unattached, observe the situation, and learn from it. Having negative emotions towards something you attracted to you will only cause more frustration and won’t move you forward. Basically, if it is in your life, be thankful and honor it!

Make this your practice for the next few days (set an intention now and each morning for the next few days, at least), to notice what you like about every situation you encounter, and to remember that you attracted the experience to you. Set an intention to take the positive out of every situation. If after a few days this feels good, keep it up! (I have confidence that this will feel great!)

Remember, making life-altering changes such as these require commitment, focus, and practice. Don’t beat yourself up if you get irritable with something or find yourself judging someone. Simply acknowledge that you are growing and move on! You can feel two ways- positive or negative. Why choose negative? Realize that it takes time to set new habits and patterns, and that you are re-wiring years of thought patterns. Acknowledge yourself for coming this far, and use the Law of Attraction to increase the joy, love, and abundance in your life!

I am a lover of reality. I acknowledge that everything in my life is here for a reason,and the circumstances of my physical reality our a mirror of my inner world.