Saturday, April 26, 2008

Science of Getting Rich - Read Free Now

"The Science Of Getting Rich"

book now yours free to read online,
plus a

Huge Stash of

Creating Your Life

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Intentional Ones

It's time to bring "Intentional Ones" together online!

If your interested in Mind, Body & Spirit related issues, or those of, Alternative Living (such as energy, medicine, treatments, fuels, foods, healing and more...), or just want to be "connected" with others who are, then Intentional One is for you!

Included is everything to do with, Law of Attraction, Intention, Designing Your Life, Creating, Scripting, Manifesting, Abundance, Properity, Thoughts Are Things, Visualization, Love, Mind Mapping, The Conscious & Sub-Conscious, and more...

Many links to free books and articles, with more added all the time.

Where you add the content and share with others

Intentional One, allows you to network using your choice of tools - from live video chat to email - and everything in between, with more added all the time!

There's lots of social sites to choose from these days, but we're different , because we're "focused " on bringing "like minded" people, Friends - together online !



Have A Look

Tips for Manifesting

Tips for Manifesting

When doing manifestation procedures or programs or affirmations with crystals or by other means there are certain basic guidelines that can help with the effectiveness of the work , be it prayers ,spells, manifestations, affirmations etc.

First recognize all the blessings we already have. Give gratitude for the abundance we have. Ask for needs of others to be met in a good way. Focus on Self (higher self and spiritual growth) not on self (selfish), We certainly can ask for our own desires. These can not cause any harm to another. Manifestation procedures are more likely to succeed when they serve the common good or include service for others.

A very common reason that manifestation procedures fail is because the goal is not clearly defined and /or it is being overwritten with other changing and contradictory goals and desires . All your thoughts and actions are part of your continuing prayer / program etc.

When someone dedicates 10 minutes to a procedure to manifest abundance and then spends six hours complaining and worrying about their lack and poverty. They will attract more poverty than abundance.

When you keep changing the form of what you intend to manifest you block the process of manifesting. The student who changes his major each semester never graduates and an ever changing goal cannot manifest .

You need to have well defined terms and a clear concrete picture or story of what it is you want to do. Many people find that it helps to write out a list or outline and refine the idea thoroughly before going forward with a procedure.

Be careful how we ask. We get exactly what we ask for. If we ask for a high paying job, We may be offered a job that takes us away from loved ones. Is that a desirable sacrifice? A high paying job may also bring more stress. If you ask for financial needs to be met so you can share a more tranquil environment with your family, for the highest good of all; that is a different request. ..more specific and less "self".

Remember that prayer/ programs etc. to be effective should be couched entirely in positive terms . Your energy goes to what your attention is on .
All thoughts are in effect prayers and they are all answered. When your attention is focused on your problems or what you lack, that will just bring you more lack and need. Focus on what you plan to manifest.

When You include not or don't Your picture is of what you wish to avoid/ end/ prevent, rather than what you want to manifest.

Your energy will manifest what you picture even if it is opposed to your actual desired intention.

When You realize that all negative words such as not, don't, won't etc. are in effect simply dropped from your affirmations /prayers and ignored by the universe, You can see how important a positive focus is.

Many also say that these should always be in present tense. The future never arrives, open ended goals may stay in the future indefinitely Others say and my experience is that manifestations also succeed when there is a definite reasonable time frame or condition for fulfillment indicated .

Because of course our inner self knows that we do not have what we want NOW and must feel that we are being honest in our goal to deserve to achieve it. You must have a clear and complete blueprint of what is desired and you must allow the universe room to work.

Examine your intention for any possible unwanted consequences as well. We collectively create reality with the consensus of our thoughts. A basic rule is that energy follows attention. Because of this it is very important that your focus is on the result that you do want to obtain rather than on what you wish to remove .

In the phrase "No more War" the attention, the focus is on war the result of this affirmation ,chant, prayer is actually to feed more energy to war. The Phrase "Peace now" has the same basic meaning, but the focus is on Peace, it would be the more effective statement.

Make sure your picture is complete and that you have not left out something critical. Because say you want to manifest a marriage partner You may find that perfect man , is it acceptable if he wants to wear your clothes? Expects you to support him? is a bigamist? It is amazing what gaps we sometimes leave in our blueprints.

It never occurred to me when I worked to manifest a home that a house might not have a bathtub. I am not saying to nitpick everything. You do have to give the universe enough freedom to bring your desire into reality. ( I was able to get a bathtub and washer and dryer after 6 years).

Examine yourself for inner blocks and reasons you may feel unworthy of getting your manifestation . you may need to do some work on forgiveness and releasing guilt or atonement if for some reason you feel unworthy of having the prayer form fulfilled .

When you have the form of your prayer/ program affirmation perfected then call up energy to send the picture to the universe by whatever method you use build up and call in energy to empower your manifestation and clearly give your prayer up to manifest, use all your senses and movement to convey and empower your message .

Clarify how fulfillment will benefit others as well as self and release your prayer -action then trust that it will happen You can feed energy to the prayer in positive terms after that .Negative attention and worry act as prayers against what you want to manifest.

You might also consider reviewing your past affirmations and wishes or manifestation
procedures for any that have outlived their value. Cancel and retrieve any energy put in to them. Some people mentally imagine a cancel stamp over any such outdated wishes this can be done with negative self images too.

I had the experience when I was fifty of having a large number of wishes come true exactly as I had formed them when I was about six years old. While this is wonderful, some of the elements that I really wanted when I was a young child were not of particular value to a woman in her fifties. Perhaps we would have been able to buy a home much sooner had the universe not been striving to include the long forgotten desire to " live near Disneyland" and some rather kitchy decorative elements. ( It is kind of a Snow Whites' Cottage kind of house.)

To condense the preceding-

Decide on what you want .
Spend as long as you need clarifying your real desire .
Keep it simple and focus on one issue at a time .
Change any goals or plans, hope that are couched in negative terms into positive terms. Give the goal energy with whatever form you use focus be it a ritual or charging a crystal or whatever it must have energy and sincere intention backing it.

Clearly give your prayer/ affirmation up to manifest, use all your senses and movement to convey and empower your message and release your prayer -action. Then trust that it will happen . Believe that your desire will come true. Know that you deserve what you are asking for.

You may give your wish/affirmation gentle attention once or twice daily to boost the power but to focus intense attention on the goal after it is formed and released will retard or could even prevent fulfillment. Once you have released the Prayer -Action do not go back and change the goal or worry about it. A plant can not grow when we keep digging up the seeds or pulling on the shoots Your intention now needs some time and space to become manifest. Allow the Universe work naturally. Do not dwell on how the result might show up.

It is critically important to examine our attitudes toward bounty not just money directly but all forms of good fortune to discover and clear those blocks that impede us . Being Jealous of others good fortune keeps us in want, being happy for them calls good fortune to us .

Remember when you do any wealth ritual or procedure you must be as clear as you can on what your goal and desired outcome . Focus on the good feelings and results of the desired manifestation and how it blesses you. not on need or greed or lack or longing .
When you have clarified your goals as much as you can be specific but leave the universe room to bring you something better, being too narrowly focused can impede the flow. Don't obsess, form your intention to manifest what you plan to call into your life , Love, Money, success, Happiness, whatever good thing. then having made the intention with whatever ritual, mental affirmation, programmed crystal or other system , let it go, release the intention to the Universe and Source And Know that it Is so . Trust that the opportunities for fulfillment are absolute and that they will come to you the path is open . be alert for its arrival but have no worry, what you have called will come.

It is good to have a strong closing to end your program or other work affirming that the work is finished and will be fulfilled.

A Huna procedure usually is ended with "Amama", or "Let the rain of blessings fall" which is almost identical to a closing used by some Buddhist groups "U mandera Ke" " flowers of blessing fall like rain". You probably have a closing that fits with your own path and practices Be it "Amen", or "So mote it Be " or some other attention and finish

Please share your experiences, tips and information about manifesting /affirmations /prayers /programs and what works for you with others.

Peggy Jentoft

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality [video]

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Rest Of Your Life Starts With The Present

Do you see each day as the 'First day of the rest of your life?' Seeing each day as the 'First day of the rest of your life,' is embodied in the Law of Attraction. The past, present and future are all one, each day is the first day of the rest of your life. Your past is how you came into your present and your present is how you will create the future. What will you do with your present to create your future?

The lyrics in the song, "First Day of the Rest of Your Life" starts with the present:

Not a lot right now makes sense to me
And I won't go quietly
Not a lot right now makes sense to me
And I won't sit patiently

I'm gonna chase my dreams and catch up to them
I'm gonna find you some how, some way, somewhere, some day

Creating the future requires changing the present, simply turn the page and do something different. "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." -Attributed to Anthony Robbins.

The world is an open book waiting for you to turn the pages and discover what it has to offer, one moment at a time. Are you paying attention to what the world has to offer? Do something different-just do it. The worst thing you could encounter is 'nothing.' Unless, you did something wreck less, but you know I am not talking about wreck less behavior or decisions.

Sometimes you might feel optimistic as prospect after prospect reveals itself to your discriminating eyes. The optimism you feel will deepen as the day moves on, and you begin to notice that avenues you once thought had closed are seemingly miraculously open. The prospects show themselves to be wide-open and ready for your consideration. This poses a wonderful opportunity to assess your goals and examine the goals you might have left sitting. Now you can determine if they are achievable now. As you recognize even more opportunities, many vistas of potential show themselves.

When you are willing and able to recognize that there are many avenues open to you beyond those in your immediate perception, the world becomes a more dynamic cosmos of possibilities. Instead of feeling limited by your circumstances, you feel liberated by your ability to appreciate the vast quantity of possibilities.

You will recognize the certainty of knowing that you need not conform to traditional mandated courses of action. You can carve your own paths-ones suited to your unique blend of personality characteristics and predilections. Thus, as you derive enjoyment from not only your success, you can derive enjoyment from the journey that leads you there. You will feel optimistic when you are able to see the wide range of prospects waiting for your consideration.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

The Way of the Enlightened Laughter Master

According to the Law of Attraction, we get what we think about most, in other words our thoughts stimulate action and attract certain results in our lives. Therefore, if you think negative thoughts, you may attract more negative thinking and results.

If you think positively, on the other hand, you will resonate more with the abundant universe and good things are much more likely to flow into your life.

This means it might be a good idea to learn to let go of your negative thoughts and focus on the present feeling of what it would be like if you had the results you desire in order to bring success and joy into your life. Learn to laugh at what life brings and you will start to attract towards you more things to laugh and feel good about.

Let Go of Longing

Many of us get trapped in a terrible cycle of continuously wanting and yearning for things no matter how much we may have already received - the car, the house, the ideal partner or family etc. In our wishing, we tend to focus more on the negative, on the lack, what we don't have. For example, we might focus on how much MORE money or love we want or feel we need and must have.

But by wishing for "more" money, you are actually focusing on what you DON'T HAVE and you are much more likely to be projecting feelings, or resonating with vibrations of lack, frustration and anxiety in the universal energy field.

As a result, you may find that this particular vibration attracts similar vibrations to it, almost like the action of a tuning fork, with the result that you 'tune in' to receiving even more things to get frustrated and anxious about. The Law is that you get back more of what you focus upon... more lack, more wanting!

In order to bring more money into your life, you need to appreciate the riches and feel the joy in the things you already have. The more joy and appreciation you feel, the more happiness you will attract.

Living For Today

A key principal of the Law of Attraction is learning to live for today, to experience the delight of each present moment and to appreciate what you have. Don't look around you and notice the things that are missing. Rather, look around you and see all of the great things you already have in your life and can be grateful for

If you spend your entire life looking to the past or the future and wishing you had done things differently or had more, you will project an energy of regret and wanting. As a result, you will simply attract more things to regret and more wanting to you.

Love your life! Appreciate what you have! Delight in what is already yours!

The more you learn to live for the day, the moment, and to love yourself and what your life has brought you, the better your tomorrow will become. If you are grateful you will attract towards you more things to be grateful for.

Spread the Happiness

There is no better way to love life than to find someone to laugh with. To help give your spirits a boost and bring more joy to your life, find a giggle partner, pull funny faces, talk in 'baby talk' ha! Make it a point to spend time with your partner laughing out loud.

It takes flexibility! Why not experiment with stepping out of your self-made cage for a moment, now and again.

The benefits are enormous. Remember, laughter is contagious! So, the more you laugh and giggle together, the more laughter and joy will come your way. It nourishes the body for example by boosting the immune system, nourishes the mind as it sends more oxygen that way and stimulates the release of endorphins and it also nurtures the soul.

Keep a Journal

To help you discover more things to find joy in, you could start keeping a giggle or laughter, or appreciation journal in which you write down all of the things you find funny, or find joy in and are grateful for. Then, review your journal on a regular basis and take delight in your discoveries. The positive thoughts you experience while reading the journal will have a positive influence on your body and on your body's energy.

By continually focusing on the joys in life and learning to delight in what you already have, you will soon discover that happiness is all around you. And thanks to the Law of Attraction, your happiness and joy will bring even more opportunities to make your life one of pure delight and abundant well-being!

Joy is passionate about sharing the insights and experiences of her journey to freedom, with the world, both in her speaking engagements and in her private practice. Her focus on:


is characterised by a fascinating blend of ancient and modern holistic and psychological approaches together with a wide experience of life and includes Dynamic Interactive Meditation, Creative coaching, Visualisation, Mindfulness, Clown Focus Therapy, Energy therapies and Inner spiritual adventures. In a flowing dynamic surrender to our Source of Being, Joy 'dances' with the inner wisdom of her clients through a gentle non-invasive soul searching experience, working deeply, to facilitate an opening for self-healing to embrace true, joyful awakening - for many a truly transformational experience.

The Magic of Giving

"Everything I give to others is a gift to myself. As I give, I receive." - Sanaya Roman

Giving is IN. It seems that everyone is discovering the Magic of Giving.

Oprah has her new Reality TV show, The Big Give. By helping total strangers, participants experience what the producers call "the high of giving."

After a dazzling tennis career, Andre Agassi is focused on giving back - something he finds even more rewarding than tennis. The Andre Agassi Charitable Foundation has raised more than $60 million to improve the lives of at-risk youth.

Bill Clinton's book, Giving, is filled with examples of how giving enriches the lives of others as well as our own lives. Clinton writes, "one reason to be generous and public spirited is simply that it makes you feel good."

Why Does Giving Feel So Good? Researchers at Harvard and UBC conclude that giving significantly boosts happiness. Studies with 630 Americans found them to be measurably happier when they spent money on others. In fact, as little as $5 was enough to produce real gains in happiness!

NIH scientists determined that the joy of giving is hardwired into our brains. They discovered that the act of giving increases activity in the midbrain - a region associated with pleasures such as food and sex. Aha!

Givers Gain. Joe Vitale began to understand the Magic of Giving in the 1970's when he was homeless. Having no money, he gave away what he had - books. The more books he gave away, the more books came to him. Detecting a pattern, but still impoverished, he gave a few dollars here and there - mostly to people who gave him spiritual nourishment. As he gave, he started to receive - a job offer, a published article, then a client, followed by a book publishing contract and paid speaking engagements. Living quite a luxurious lifestyle now, Joe continues to give, saying: "It sounds counter-intuitive but the more you give, the more you will receive. As I give bigger, I get bigger returns: more movie deals, more book deals, my own television show, more unexpected income. The list goes on."

How about Percy Ross? Starting with $2 million, Percy set out to give money to people he believed needed it. In 17 years, he gave away an estimated $30 million. Look at those numbers. He had $2 million and he gave away $30 million. Try to make that work out on a ledger sheet! It won't. It's the Magic of Giving.

Spiritual leaders and financially successful people have been telling us about the Magic of Giving for ages. Here are some pointers to help you apply the Magic of Giving in your life:

  • Give out of joy rather than obligation. Give because it feels good and offers you a way to express appreciation for all that you have and all that you are in the process of creating.
  • Receiving is a natural result of giving - unless you resist it. When you give, be open to receive.
  • Give without strings. When you give something, release it completely. It's up to the receiver what they do with your gift.
  • Follow Joe Vitale's example and give what you have to give. It doesn't have to be money. You can donate your time. You can teach a skill. Volunteers report improved health and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.
  • If you're ready for more abundance in your life, think of someone you can give something to. Giving helps you FEEL more prosperous and releases feelings of lack and limitation.

There are endless reasons to give, but perhaps the best reason is that giving makes you FEEL FANTASTIC. And, in accordance with the Law of Attraction, when you feel good, you attract even more good feelings. So do yourself and someone else a favor: Give from your heart and experience the Joy and the Magic of Giving.

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her books - Dining at the Cosmic Café: How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire and Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her books, and subscribe to her free ezine, Magical Musings, visit

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More Powerful Prayer

More Powerful Prayer

I was asked to post last month's ezine article, as some of you wanted to be able to access it online. Ask and it is given! Here's the (slightly) edited article:

Gregg Braden suggests most of the prayers we offer for peace may likely perpetuate the exact opposite because we're not using the right language. He said we've got a whole globe offering prayers of peace, and that's very likely why war and violence seem to be getting worse!

A right and wrong way to pray? How could that be?

Well, it isn't so much "right" or "wrong" as it is effective or ineffective. And as John P. commented on my related blog post, it's not as intuitive as you might think.

Here's the skinny: when we pray FOR something, we acknowledge its absence. Thus we empower the very condition we don't want.

That's an eye-opener in itself, huh? I mean, how many times have we asked for more money, a better relationship or job, or improved health? Whether we ask for it through formal prayer or just a despairing cry to the heavens at a low moment, we may very well hold our true desires at bay in the way we ask for it.

Gregg's presentation brought together information from both the leading edge scientific community as well as ancient spiritual traditions to teach us the language that the Field (aka Universe, God, Matrix, One Mind, Web of Creation, etc.) speaks. That language is the one of feelings and beliefs.

As we say a prayer to end war, bring soldiers home safe, or let the turkey be thawed in time, we are likely sending out a feeling contrary to what we want. Other cultures have been taught by their ancestors that the key is to feel what we want as if it's already happened.

(Sound familiar, Abraham followers?)

Their prayers are designed to help them feel those feelings. They know it isn't the mudra or chant or gongs that matter; but rather how they FEEL is what the higher power responds to. (Gregg pointed out that Jesus shared this same information, but much of this info was edited out of the Bible by Constantine's Council in the 4th century.)

This is why when I walk around the house muttering "PLEASE help me find my keys!!" I walk around endlessly looking for them. When I remember to feel the feeling of found keys, and look for them with THAT feeling, they quickly appear. (And yes, it feels strange to walk around happily saying, "Oh, there you are!" before finding anything. But you don't have to do it for long before they appear.)

So instead of praying from a place of lack, if we form our prayers in such a way that we feel now what we would feel after it happens, we speak the language that serves us.

How quickly can a properly formed prayer work?

Abraham says we can expect things to happen quickly (as in DAYS) when we work with the law of attraction. I tell people it takes two weeks maximum of adjusting the vibration to yield the results we want (when we do it consistently, which is often the trick).

But I've got a higher standard in mind now.

Gregg showed us a video clip of a woman with a three inch cancerous tumor who was healed in under three minutes (as shown on the ultrasound monitor) when three healers in unison "felt her" as healthy. Her tumor DISAPPEARED before our very eyes. (This "medicine-less" Beijing hospital has a 95% success rate!)

Atoms can rearrange instantly; there doesn't need to be any lag time on this stuff. We're conditioned to believe change takes time, that things happen gradually, but it doesn't have to be that way!

So how do we create instant results?

Well, as Gregg surmised, instant manifestation may be where we're headed (in the next dimension, 2012, who knows?) and it may be that this "reality" we're engaged in now is to help fine tune our skills for the "next level." That's an interesting thought.

The first question is what you believe is possible. Do you believe it's possible to lose 10 pounds in two days? Two hours? Two minutes?

I know, me either.

But if I watch that tumor video enough times, I'll get there!!

The second step is to be sure you're not focused on the lack or absence of what you want as well as remaining judgment-free about it. Those three healers weren't focused on eliminating the tumor; they didn't see it as bad or wrong. They simply focused on what it felt like to feel this woman as healthy.

John DeMartini says (in "You Can Have an Amazing Life in 60 Days") that the highest most powerful prayer "is a prayer of gratitude. Not a prayer of 'I need a change in,' but a prayer of thankfulness for what is, as it is."

So what does this all mean? Let's sum it up:

1 - Believe it's possible. (We're not asking for miracles, rather we're simply employing the technology that's available to us. Which might seem like a miracle, but it's not. This is simply how things work.)

2 - Release judgment & resistance. (With practice, you can.)

3 - Recognize that your feeling is the prayer (or "order up" as I like to think of it). It's not about the words, it's our feeling that matters. And we're having those all day long, right? Let's start paying attention to what we're calling up.

4 - Feel as if it's already happened.

5 - Gratitude for "what is" helps the process.

Perhaps this perspective will help you change the way you approach your process of prayer.


Did You Know The Law of Attraction Is Already Working In Your Life?

Have you discovered The Secret, yet? Have you read the Newsweek article about the book, The Secret or seen the DVD? It's really about the Law of Attraction and how it pertains to your life.

Did you know you the Law of Attraction is already working in your life? Don't believe it?
You Do you believe in gravity? Do you believe in the wind? The Law of Attraction is just the same. You don't really 'see' it but you like me know it exists. It's at work for you 24x7, 365 days a year. Be it good things in your life or not so good things, the Law of Attraction does have a strong influence on you and others, whether you believe it or not.

The Law of Attraction can be your friend or foe. It really doesn't care. It works like a well oiled machine or the perfect computer program. Do you dream? Do you fantasize about your goals? You're using the Law of Attraction right there and then.

Learn how easy it is to get the Law of Attraction on your side working for you and not against you.
Here are some areas where you could make phenomenal changes :
> Bring that ideal job into your life starting today.
> Become clear about your direction and goals in life.
> Attract more customers to your business now.
> Find that perfect mate you've been dreaming of.
> Put more money in your pocket and in the bank.
> And stop attracting the things you don't want.

Countless people before you have learned how easy it is to use the Law of Attraction to experience the above plus more. Do you want the profound results you're looking for in your life? You can have it starting today!
Let me show you what to do to get started working with the Law of Attraction. Can you put one foot in front of another? Then it's that easy. That first step may seem difficult, but the more you think about it, the easier it will be to see yourself doing it.

If you're wanting to attract and create a whole new life for yourself, or just revitalize the one you have now, look no further. I've researched the web & no one blends the Law of Attraction, Life Coaching, NLP and Hypnosis like I do! Other coaches say they follow through, for you, but their personal life is a wreck!
If you want the best, it's here now! You've found it! Don't dream of a life you could have, or the changes you want to make, start today and together we can forge a game plan created especially for you. I'm living the life I've always wanted and to the fullest, every day! Can you say the same?

Take that first step now & send me an email: gethelp @ Remember, Life is short. And if you don't start making it happen today, then when?

Wishing for you, the Best!

Shadow! Nightwing L.O.A.m. Mnlp. Cht. Cpc
gethelp @

Law of Attraction Master Master Practitioner of NLP
Certified Hypnotherapist Certified Personal Coach

"The Universe is Abundant.
Get What You Want!"

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Powerful Next Generation Vision Board

“Discover the Ultimate and Proven Way

for you to Effectively Apply

the Law of Attraction in Your Life”

The KEY to Attracting Everything You Want

is Captured in this Incredible Tool…

CornelisFrom: Cornelis Boertjens
CEO, OrangePeel Vision Boards™

“Are you ready to activate the Law of Attraction and receive the blessings of the universe into your life? If you’re not, you can stop reading here and close this window and stand by as the world passes you by. I know that sounded a little harsh, but do I have your attention now? Now YOU can have ALL the MONEY you want, buy a new sports car, purchase the finest clothes, be included in the “social scene” and host massive parties for all of your new friends, and give to charity and feel great about yourself. All this and more is possible when you know “the secret” of visualization!

I am so excited to share this amazing resource here with you. There are no coincidences in life, and it is no coincidence that you are here now on this page reading about how our unique Vision Board System can be of value to your life…. The timing must be just right for you!

Vision Board Box Shot

Vision Board™ is the most powerful software application on the market, enabling you to take the teachings of the Law of Attraction and apply them effectively in your daily life. It helps you to visualize your goals and dreams in a unique and dynamic way on your computer screen, using your personal dream images. You can combine these images with self chosen affirmations and Power Words™. This way, Vision Board™ assists you in adjusting your belief system to break through any self limiting barriers you might have to reach your goals and create the life you desire. By focusing on your Vision Board™ on a daily basis with intent you will attract your goals to your reality by virtue of the Law of Attraction.

“The Best Vision Board System Available to You NOW

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It is the “Next Generation Vision Board”. Be aware of cheap Vision Board concepts. Vision Board™ is promoted and used by the top inspirational and motivational speakers like Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Lee Brower, Bob Doyle, Vic Johnson, Eva Gregory, Daniel Gutierrez, Ruben Gonzalez and many, many others.

Imagine this….

“Here you are, making phone calls for your business or at work. You start off really determined and enthusiastic. But call after call, people are just not responding that well and you start feeling a bit frustrated…. So you go and give yourself a short break. When you come back to your computer your Vision Board screen saver has popped up and you see a wonderful display of all your dreams moving on your screen, with empowering affirmations on an inspiring background. Your favorite song is be playing on the background and you hear your own voice recorded empowering affirmations. Your Vision Board brings you back straight away to the goals and dreams you have for your life, and to the WHY of your business or job. You relax and look at it with intent and the feeling as if your dreams are already a reality is starting to flow through you. This feels great and helps you to get back into inspired action with renewed energy and inspiration…..”

Vic Johnson Photo

Visualization is one of the most powerful “secrets” used by World-Class Goal Achievers. In fact, John Goddard, the number one goal achiever in the world, speaks frequently of how visualization has helped him achieve over 550 major goals. Vision Board is a great piece of technology for helping you visualize your goals and dreams, and that’s why we chose to include it in both our highly popular Goals 2007 and 2008 program. Our users also love it because it keeps your dream in front of you all day long, making it a valuable “accountability tool.” What you “see” is what you get, and Vision Board will help you get everything you can “see.”

Vic Johnson, host of TSTN’s Goals 2 Go and founder of

Let me explain why with Vision Board™ you can create anything, yes really anything you want in your life

With Vision Board you can…..

Check Create a vision board THE easiest and fastest way, period. Yes, anyone can use this tool and there truly is no easier and faster way for you to have it all!
Check Visualize your Brand NEW Luxurious Home with spacious rooms, 7 car garage, indoor and outdoor pools, game rooms, full-time cook, permanent gardener, servants, and more. Now let’s extend your vision and visualize your second home overseas and your third home in the mountains where you enjoy winter skiing with your family.
Check Visualize your Beautiful, Ideal PARTNER - the girl or guy of your dreams now will become a reality. All you have to do is ask the universe for the ideal partner and visualize them to make your dream a reality!
Check Visualize More FRIENDS, More Business Connections. More Social Invites quickly become a reality. Want a new set of millionaire friends? No problem with this powerful tool.
Check Get access to the free access to an extensive online image library. This makes it easier and faster to create your Vision Board if you don’t have your own dream images, or need some additional images to create a truly inspiring Vision Board.
Check Add music to your Vision Board! In addition, personalize it even more by recording your own voice message that gets played whenever your Vision Board comes up. The music and/or your voice will trigger your sub conscious even more powerful!
Check Work on a positive belief system, which in turn helps to reach your goals much, much faster by adding powerful affirmations and Power Words™ to your images. You can even choose the color and font of the text used.
Check Be guided by the extensive affirmation and Power Word™ libraries as a source of inspiration. This makes it easier and faster to create your Vision Board and helps people that don’t have knowledge of how to formulate these statements to apply them anyway.
Check Have your vision board pop up as powerful moving screen saver. Moving images “stick” better to your subconscious mind which will have an accelerating effect on your manifestation process. You can even adjust the speed of the movement!
Check Speed up the manifestation process dramatically by using the unique manifestation pop up balloon system, which displays the Power Word™ and affirmations you have formulated.
Check Send your Vision Board to friends and family! An important aspect about goal setting is that you share these with someone that can keep you accountable and inspired. It makes it more real and “out there”. It also is a good way to inspire others; you can just send others a specially created Vision Board.
Check Take your vision board everywhere you go by having it on your mobile phone and printing it off. Our unique system offers the functionality of exporting a mini version of your Vision Board to a file that can be used on a mobile phone, PDA, iPod and even on a digital photo frame and printing it off. You will truly have your Goals and Dreams all around you.
Check Freely copy and paste images, text and shapes onto the canvas of your “digital Poster” on your screen. You can even import your personal Vision Board into the module to start it off with, and add more images and text to it. Once finished, you can print it yourself, or take it to a print shop and get a huge poster created!

Tips for Creating Your Dream Life!

Manifesting Your Desires - Tips for Creating Your Dream Life!

Manifesting your desires can be achieved through a series of fun steps. The steps are simple, but not easy. You will need to be focused and diligent. Manifestation requires an emotional desire and the willingness to commit and follow through no matter what! It also helps when you trust in the Universe to bring you what is for your higher good. The good news is that once you fully commit, doors will open, gifts will arrive, and you will be merrily on your way to manifesting your dreams!

The steps to manifesting your desires are:

With joy and positive expectation I create the life of my dreams! There is beauty in every moment- life is wonderful when I stay present and focus on joy and love.

More spiritual inspiration:
Manifesting your desires - dedication and commitment!
Release your fears and attachments!
Expect the best!
Stay Present In The Moment
Connect to your spirit
Changing your life - use this fun process!
Law of Attraction - Honor What You Attract!

Honor What You Attract To You!

Law of Attraction, Honor What You Attract To You!

Remember that the Law of Attraction works regardless of whether or not you know about it, and it works both in the positive and negative. A challenge for you is to appreciate what you have drawn to you, even if you perceive it to be negative. Have you ever resisted something only to find out that in the long run it was in your best interests?

Affirm that everything comes into your life for a reason. You may not like what you have attracted, but you can learn from it, clean up your vibration, and expect to attract something better in the future! If you encounter rudeness then thank the person for showing you what you are attracting. If something has left your life, thank it for the gifts it brought and affirm that something better is coming.

Honor What You Attract To You…

Everything and everybody that appears in our life comes through attraction. The random person behind you in line at the store is there through attraction. The person sitting next to you at the stoplight is there through attraction. The neighbors you see on your walk are there through attraction. If you are expecting to go to the grocery store and experience crowds and irritation, then you will attract people who are irritable. You may end up at the store during a rush of people. When you send out a vibration and expectation of a certain outcome, then you will attract to you people who will help bring your expectation to reality. The Law of Attraction is always, always working! Thank it for being a mirror for you to see what kind of physical reality you are creating.

Knowing this, it is useful to pay attention to what you are attracting to you. You brought it into your life, so observe what is showing up and relate that to your thoughts and feelings. Honor the people that show up in your life. Sending more negativity their way or judging them will only keep similar people and experiences coming towards you. Instead, if you acknowledge that you were brought together through mutual attraction, you can remain emotionally unattached, observe the situation, and learn from it. Having negative emotions towards something you attracted to you will only cause more frustration and won’t move you forward. Basically, if it is in your life, be thankful and honor it!

Make this your practice for the next few days (set an intention now and each morning for the next few days, at least), to notice what you like about every situation you encounter, and to remember that you attracted the experience to you. Set an intention to take the positive out of every situation. If after a few days this feels good, keep it up! (I have confidence that this will feel great!)

Remember, making life-altering changes such as these require commitment, focus, and practice. Don’t beat yourself up if you get irritable with something or find yourself judging someone. Simply acknowledge that you are growing and move on! You can feel two ways- positive or negative. Why choose negative? Realize that it takes time to set new habits and patterns, and that you are re-wiring years of thought patterns. Acknowledge yourself for coming this far, and use the Law of Attraction to increase the joy, love, and abundance in your life!

I am a lover of reality. I acknowledge that everything in my life is here for a reason,and the circumstances of my physical reality our a mirror of my inner world.

You Are In Charge Of Your Earthly Experience!

Deliberate Creation - You Are In Charge Of Your Earthly Experience!

Deliberate Creation is the act of knowing that we create our lives, accepting our power, and using it to create the life of our dreams. It means to accept what is in our life now as beautiful and perfect, because we created it for some reason. What we have created might not be the most pleasant situation, but we created it to learn something. The sooner we can accept what is currently in our life as good the sooner we can move through the experiences we no longer desire to have in our lives and move onto a more joyful path.

Everything we experience in our life is a mirror of our thoughts. The Law of Attraction always works. You may not like some of the experiences you have, but instead of resisting what is, look at what is in your life clearly. See that it is a reflection of your thoughts and energy. Even if you think that random events occur and you aren't responsible, and then you experience seemingly random events that confirm your beliefs, that is the Law of Attraction! It is mirroring back to you the beliefs you hold- it is mirroring back to you where you gave your personal power away.

When you experience someone who is judgmental and critical, and then you decide you do not like that, it is a mirror of you judging them. If you can see that and accept them for who they are the experience of them complaining would probably either stop, or they would leave your life.

Lack of money, or love, or joy is but a mirror of where you are withholding abundance, love and joy from yourself, because it is your responsibility to choose to allow these energies into your life. Look into the mirror that is your physical reality. Love what you see, for the mirror is a gift!

To practice Deliberate Creation means to embrace life for all that it is, and to own your power. It is to see everything in your life as a mirror, and to use that mirror to adjust your thinking to move onto your higher, more joyful path. Embrace who you are. Embrace who others are. Don't worry about what other people are doing. Why do you care? It is their path and their creation. Focus your energy solely on creating your dream life, and open up to the joy and abundance of life.

You are a Deliberate Creator. Everything you need is within you. You can be whatever you want! We are all extensions of Source Energy and therefore, we are all abundant, loving and joyful.

Deliberate Creation...

We are ultimately responsible for what we create in our lives. We create through our thoughts, visions, actions, energy and words.

If we genuinely ask for our heart's desire and trust in our ability to receive, the Universe will bend over backward to help. It is our responsibility to ask and to be open to receiving. It is our responsibility to remain in a state of positivity and love in order to receive what we want.

It is our responsibility to ask for what we want. It is our responsibility to take inspired action when we feel called to do so. It is up to us to remain focused on our desire and to remain in vibrational alignment with what we desire.

It is our responsibility to choose joy, love, beauty and abundance. No one or no thing can yield this to us until we yield it unto ourselves. It is up to us to open our eyes to what we want and to see it all around. We must begin to live what we want to the fullest extent possible and then you will attract more and more into your lives.

It is the Universe's responsibility to line up the events that will bring about the manifestation of your desires. It is your responsibility to open up your energy and your heart to rendezvous with these events.

All that we need to create anything we want is within us. To get in touch with that creative power, open your heart. Be unconditional love. Be joy. Be abundance.