Deliberate Creation - You Are In Charge Of Your Earthly Experience!
Deliberate Creation is the act of knowing that we create our lives, accepting our power, and using it to create the life of our dreams. It means to accept what is in our life now as beautiful and perfect, because we created it for some reason. What we have created might not be the most pleasant situation, but we created it to learn something. The sooner we can accept what is currently in our life as good the sooner we can move through the experiences we no longer desire to have in our lives and move onto a more joyful path.
Everything we experience in our life is a mirror of our thoughts. The Law of Attraction always works. You may not like some of the experiences you have, but instead of resisting what is, look at what is in your life clearly. See that it is a reflection of your thoughts and energy. Even if you think that random events occur and you aren't responsible, and then you experience seemingly random events that confirm your beliefs, that is the Law of Attraction! It is mirroring back to you the beliefs you hold- it is mirroring back to you where you gave your personal power away.
When you experience someone who is judgmental and critical, and then you decide you do not like that, it is a mirror of you judging them. If you can see that and accept them for who they are the experience of them complaining would probably either stop, or they would leave your life.
Lack of money, or love, or joy is but a mirror of where you are withholding abundance, love and joy from yourself, because it is your responsibility to choose to allow these energies into your life. Look into the mirror that is your physical reality. Love what you see, for the mirror is a gift!
To practice Deliberate Creation means to embrace life for all that it is, and to own your power. It is to see everything in your life as a mirror, and to use that mirror to adjust your thinking to move onto your higher, more joyful path. Embrace who you are. Embrace who others are. Don't worry about what other people are doing. Why do you care? It is their path and their creation. Focus your energy solely on creating your dream life, and open up to the joy and abundance of life.
You are a Deliberate Creator. Everything you need is within you. You can be whatever you want! We are all extensions of Source Energy and therefore, we are all abundant, loving and joyful.
Deliberate Creation...
We are ultimately responsible for what we create in our lives. We create through our thoughts, visions, actions, energy and words.
If we genuinely ask for our heart's desire and trust in our ability to receive, the Universe will bend over backward to help. It is our responsibility to ask and to be open to receiving. It is our responsibility to remain in a state of positivity and love in order to receive what we want.
It is our responsibility to ask for what we want. It is our responsibility to take inspired action when we feel called to do so. It is up to us to remain focused on our desire and to remain in vibrational alignment with what we desire.
It is our responsibility to choose joy, love, beauty and abundance. No one or no thing can yield this to us until we yield it unto ourselves. It is up to us to open our eyes to what we want and to see it all around. We must begin to live what we want to the fullest extent possible and then you will attract more and more into your lives.
It is the Universe's responsibility to line up the events that will bring about the manifestation of your desires. It is your responsibility to open up your energy and your heart to rendezvous with these events.
All that we need to create anything we want is within us. To get in touch with that creative power, open your heart. Be unconditional love. Be joy. Be abundance.